Electrical Tape Price List Philippines

Electrical Tape Price List Philippines

Electrical Tape, also known as insulating tape, is a type of pressure-sensitive tape designed solely for various applications related to electricity. It is widely used to insulate, protect, and secure electrical wires and components to help prevent electrical shorts, corrosion, and accidental contact. Electrical tape is a very important tool for electricians and even homeowners who are fond of working on their own DIY wiring and electrical projects.

Electrical Tape Prices

Electrical tape prices differ depending on the brand and size. On average, you can get this kind of tape for as low as ₱17.50 and ranges to ₱35.00.

Small4 meters₱17.50
Medium8 meters₱22.00
Large16 meters₱35.00
Electrical tape

Advantages of Electrical Tape

Insulation – The primary advantage of Electrical Tape is its ability to insulate and protect electrical wires, preventing electrical shorts and ensuring the safe flow of electricity.

FlexibilityElectrical Tape is typically flexible and can adapt to the shape of wires and connectors, making it suitable for various applications that require flexibility.

Adhesion – The pressure-sensitive adhesive on Electrical Tape allows it to adhere securely to wires, terminals, and other surfaces, providing a tight seal that helps protect against moisture and other contaminants.

Easy to Use – Electrical Tape is easy to handle and apply which makes it a convenient solution for quick repairs, installations, and temporary fixes. It can be applied by hand without the need for additional tools.

Temperature Resistance – Many electrical tapes are designed to withstand a range of temperatures which ensures their effectiveness even in different environmental conditions.

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Disadvantages of Electrical Tape

Temporary Solution – While electrical tape is suitable for temporary fixes, it is not a permanent solution. Over time, especially in outdoor applications, the adhesive on an electrical type will start to weaken and will eventually lose its effectiveness.

Deterioration – Electrical Tape can deteriorate over time due to factors such as exposure to sunlight, heat, and chemicals that can lead to a decrease in its insulating properties.

Not Ideal for Outdoor Exposures – Extended exposure to outdoor elements, such as sunlight and moisture can lead to the degradation of electrical tape. Electrical tapes are not highly recommended for any outdoor applications.

Limited Tensile Strength – Electrical tape does not have the same tensile strength as some other types of cable management solutions which can limit its use in situations where high mechanical strength is required.

Video of Electrical Tape

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What is Electrical Tape used for?

The main use of electrical tape is for safety reasons to protect, insulate, and shield different kinds of wires and cables that conduct electricity.

Is electrical tape good for exposed wires?

Yes, you can wrap minor damages with electrical tape. However, electrical tapes are not advisable when the damage is in the insulation located in the middle of the positive and neutral wires.

Is electrical tape stronger?

While the duct tape is stronger, the main use of electrical tapes is to insulate not to withstand any tensile strength.

What is rubber electrical tape used for?

Rubber tapes have excellent physical and electrical properties as it was designed for splicing and terminating wire cables.

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How can you tell if the tape is electrical tape?

When you compare electrical tape to regular tape, you will easily notice that it is stretchy. You can pull and stretch an electrical tape while it is hard to do so with a regular tape.