Automatic Transfer Switch Price List Philippines

Automatic Transfer Switch Price List Philippines

An Automatic Transfer Switch is a critical component of backup power systems, designed to automatically transfer electrical loads from one power source to another in case of a power outage or interruption. Its primary function is to ensure uninterrupted power supply to essential equipment by seamlessly switching from one power source to another. Its versatility and reliability make it indispensable in various applications, including emergency power supply, industrial operations, commercial buildings, residential backup systems, and telecommunications infrastructure.

Automatic Transfer Switch Prices

Automatic Transfer Switch prices vary depending on the brand and the voltage they can handle. On average, the cheapest Automatic Transfer Switch goes around ₱1.85 and could go up to ₱2,002.00.

ATS Micro Circuit Breaker Dual Power Automatic Transfer Switch230V ₱632.00
Micro Circuit Breaker Dual Power Automatic Transfer Switch230V ₱640.50
Micro Updated Version Automatic Transfer Switch230V ₱674.00
Din Rail 2P ATS Dual Power220V ₱1,184.59
Automatic Transfer Switch Joymell Brand125A ₱2,002.00
ATS Automatic MCB Type Dual Power Transfer Switch Circuit Breaker100A ₱1,040.00
Risen Smart Home Automatic Transfer Switch ATS400V  ₱1.850.00
automatic transfer switch

Advantages of Automatic Transfer Switch

Automatic Operation – As its name suggests, Automatic Transfer Switch is designed to detect changes in the electrical supply and automatically initiate the transfer of electrical loads from one power source to another without the need for manual intervention.

Reliability – It provides a reliable and seamless transfer of electrical loads between power sources which helps in minimizing the downtime and disruption to operations during power outages or failures.

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Safety – Automatic Transfer Switches are equipped with safety features that help prevent back-feeding, electrical transients, or other hazardous conditions during the transfer process, ensuring the safety of personnel and equipment.

Remote Monitoring and Control – Many Automatic Transfer Switch units come with built-in monitoring and control features, that allow users to remotely monitor power status, fault detection, and automatic alerts or notifications in case of abnormalities.

Disadvantages of Automatic Transfer Switch

Cost – Automatic Transfer Switch units can be expensive to purchase and install, especially if you are eyeing a unit that has a large capacity or a unit with advanced features such as remote monitoring and control.

Maintenance – It requires regular maintenance to help ensure proper operation and reliability, including testing, inspection, and servicing of electrical components, switches, and control systems.

Limited Load Capacity – Some Automatic Transfer Switch units have limited load capacity or switching capabilities which is why it is recommended to carefully select a unit that meets the demands of your electrical system.

Video of Automatic Transfer Switch

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What does Automatic Transfer Switch do?

It is a component of backup power systems that helps in power source monitoring, load balancing, and automatic switching,  providing a seamless transition of the transfer of electrical loads from one power source to another.

What is the main function of the Automatic Transfer Switch?

The main function of an Automatic Transfer Switch is to ensure an uninterrupted power supply to electrical equipment during power outages or interruptions.

Where is the Automatic Transfer Switch used?

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Automatic Transfer Switches are used in various applications and industries where uninterrupted power supply is very important.

Is an Automatic Transfer Switch required?

The need for an Automatic Transfer Switch depends on factors such as the importance of electrical loads, the risk tolerance for downtime, regulatory requirements, and budget considerations. 

Why do you need an Automatic Transfer Switch?

An Automatic Transfer Switch is needed for several reasons such as reliable and automatic power transfer capabilities to safeguard operations, protect assets, and maintain continuity in essential facilities and applications.